Spiritualism in Modern World







This World
                Do you know who Syaikh Hisham Khabbani is ? I don’t know. But from the MC, I heard he is from Lebanon from Naqshabandi. It is the first time I hear that name, and it’s my first experience to join a lecture with a famous person in the world. And something make it “taste more” is all person using English. Me, of course got some problem in this case. My English is not good as well as the other audience. But however, I keep tell you what I got from the ‘discussion’ . . .
                There are many thing we could take from this lecture. And it is of course benefit for us. But as like the topic, we are discussing ( I think better said ‘discuss’ than ‘lecture’ ) is about spiritualism. What we need to be a good , a perfect person in this life.  As moslems, our religion is Islam, and have Iman , by combining that two element in our life, our habit, our character, we will be a perfect person, in Islam it called Ihsan. So, like this : Islam + Iman = Ihsan.
Why does ? Is it possible ? I think, it’ possible. All we know that, Islam has two principle. What they are ?
First, it’s 6 Principle of Iman ( 6 Rukun Iman ) :1 Amantu billah,2 Wamala’ikatihi, 3 Wakutubihi, 4 Warusulihi, 5 Wa yaumil akhir, 6 (I’m sorry I forgot the text, it called ) Qada’ and Qadar’.  
And then, 5 Principle of Islam ( 5 Rukun Islam) : Syahadat, Shalat, Zakat, Fasting in Ramadhan, and Hajji. If we combining these two elements, we will be a Ihsan.InsyaAllah . . .
Then, he explained us the most negative energy, the bad character in human body, human soul. There are so many, about 800 until 1000 bad character human being had ( quoted from a famous Psikologist in US). He explained us only 6 of these many bad characters. What they are ? Here they are :
  1. Anger = Marah
Most of human, easy to angry and it make them easy to beat, easy falling down, and easy to die??? Hehe… Like Indonesian people said, ‘angry make short your life’ . . . Be patient and ‘elus dadamu’ by saying ‘sabar…sabar….sabar….’
  1. Hubbud dunya / love world too much = Terlalu cinta dunia
If we love this too much and all thing inside it, it will make our soul always worried everything. ‘what will I eat today, what I need to buy, what can I do to earn money, how to make my life longer, how to make a big company, when I will married again, how much Child I want ? and so on. There are no finish line. It will make our soul always worried along the time.
  1. Hasad / jealous = iri / cemburu / dengki .
Hasad is very dangerous and bad thing in this life. Imagine, like build a town. We have build it 70%, but because we ‘hasad’ to another company that had 80% , we try to stop it, it make we lose our town. In islam, hasad is describe like a fire burn a wood. Only left the charcoal . . horrible, isn’t it?
  1. Arrogant = Sombong .
In islam, arrogant or sombong is as Allah’s dress. So, if you have character ‘arrogant’ , it means you have stolen Allah’s dress, and of course it will make Allah angry. As human, and khalifah, we should not be an arrogant person, because however nothing to be proud from ourself. All of our skill,, all parts of our body is gift from Allah. We told to use it on His Way. To be a good person, a khalifah ( a leader ).
  1. Riya’ = unsincere = tidak ikhlas .
Riya’ means, doing something not sincerely, but because there is something he/she wants, like wanna some award, some kudos, and so on. Like, she / he pray not for Allah, but she / he pray because he / she wants everybody around him/her know that, he/she is a good person, a religious person. In Islam, if someone has this bad character, all he/she did, nothing for Allah. Only to human,, but, what is the benefit for us if the praise came from human, not from Allah? It’s mean nothing.Useless and fool I think..
  1. Depression / stress = muram .
Someone who has planned his life, what he will become to be, what way will he take, and so on but suddenly couldn’t reach all of that will be depression. Depression came when condition is not same, not suitable with expectation. His mind said to be the First Winner, but he became the Third Winner for example, it sometimes make someone depression or stress. So pity.  But the question, Why someone fell depression or stress?  In Islam, we’re told not make sure something which still not happened, because in other word it means we make our destiny without see Allah, The Producer of Our Life. That’s why, we should say , “ InsyaAllah“ when plainned something. It shows that we ask for Allah permission in doing something and in our plain.
Then, after he (Syaikh Hashim Khabbani) described us fluently, clearly and funny, next he told us that there are 4 important thing in Islam we should remember and did, specially for the students.
  1. Quite (Mouth) and Think (Mind) = Tafakkur
  2.  Listen (Ear) and Focus (Mind) = Tafakkur
  3. Watch (eyes) and Remember (Mind) = Tafakkur
  4. Doing (Body) and Continuously (mind) = Istiqomah.
Then , it’s all from me. I’m sure still there are so many wrong in this text, so I’d like to apologize,, If there is benefit in came from Allah, and if there is mistake it came from me. Thanks for reading
 May Allah bless us,,,
Wassalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh……
Edited By : Teguh Atma Wijaya (with some changed)

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Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

Spiritualism in Modern World







This World
                Do you know who Syaikh Hisham Khabbani is ? I don’t know. But from the MC, I heard he is from Lebanon from Naqshabandi. It is the first time I hear that name, and it’s my first experience to join a lecture with a famous person in the world. And something make it “taste more” is all person using English. Me, of course got some problem in this case. My English is not good as well as the other audience. But however, I keep tell you what I got from the ‘discussion’ . . .
                There are many thing we could take from this lecture. And it is of course benefit for us. But as like the topic, we are discussing ( I think better said ‘discuss’ than ‘lecture’ ) is about spiritualism. What we need to be a good , a perfect person in this life.  As moslems, our religion is Islam, and have Iman , by combining that two element in our life, our habit, our character, we will be a perfect person, in Islam it called Ihsan. So, like this : Islam + Iman = Ihsan.
Why does ? Is it possible ? I think, it’ possible. All we know that, Islam has two principle. What they are ?
First, it’s 6 Principle of Iman ( 6 Rukun Iman ) :1 Amantu billah,2 Wamala’ikatihi, 3 Wakutubihi, 4 Warusulihi, 5 Wa yaumil akhir, 6 (I’m sorry I forgot the text, it called ) Qada’ and Qadar’.  
And then, 5 Principle of Islam ( 5 Rukun Islam) : Syahadat, Shalat, Zakat, Fasting in Ramadhan, and Hajji. If we combining these two elements, we will be a Ihsan.InsyaAllah . . .
Then, he explained us the most negative energy, the bad character in human body, human soul. There are so many, about 800 until 1000 bad character human being had ( quoted from a famous Psikologist in US). He explained us only 6 of these many bad characters. What they are ? Here they are :
  1. Anger = Marah
Most of human, easy to angry and it make them easy to beat, easy falling down, and easy to die??? Hehe… Like Indonesian people said, ‘angry make short your life’ . . . Be patient and ‘elus dadamu’ by saying ‘sabar…sabar….sabar….’
  1. Hubbud dunya / love world too much = Terlalu cinta dunia
If we love this too much and all thing inside it, it will make our soul always worried everything. ‘what will I eat today, what I need to buy, what can I do to earn money, how to make my life longer, how to make a big company, when I will married again, how much Child I want ? and so on. There are no finish line. It will make our soul always worried along the time.
  1. Hasad / jealous = iri / cemburu / dengki .
Hasad is very dangerous and bad thing in this life. Imagine, like build a town. We have build it 70%, but because we ‘hasad’ to another company that had 80% , we try to stop it, it make we lose our town. In islam, hasad is describe like a fire burn a wood. Only left the charcoal . . horrible, isn’t it?
  1. Arrogant = Sombong .
In islam, arrogant or sombong is as Allah’s dress. So, if you have character ‘arrogant’ , it means you have stolen Allah’s dress, and of course it will make Allah angry. As human, and khalifah, we should not be an arrogant person, because however nothing to be proud from ourself. All of our skill,, all parts of our body is gift from Allah. We told to use it on His Way. To be a good person, a khalifah ( a leader ).
  1. Riya’ = unsincere = tidak ikhlas .
Riya’ means, doing something not sincerely, but because there is something he/she wants, like wanna some award, some kudos, and so on. Like, she / he pray not for Allah, but she / he pray because he / she wants everybody around him/her know that, he/she is a good person, a religious person. In Islam, if someone has this bad character, all he/she did, nothing for Allah. Only to human,, but, what is the benefit for us if the praise came from human, not from Allah? It’s mean nothing.Useless and fool I think..
  1. Depression / stress = muram .
Someone who has planned his life, what he will become to be, what way will he take, and so on but suddenly couldn’t reach all of that will be depression. Depression came when condition is not same, not suitable with expectation. His mind said to be the First Winner, but he became the Third Winner for example, it sometimes make someone depression or stress. So pity.  But the question, Why someone fell depression or stress?  In Islam, we’re told not make sure something which still not happened, because in other word it means we make our destiny without see Allah, The Producer of Our Life. That’s why, we should say , “ InsyaAllah“ when plainned something. It shows that we ask for Allah permission in doing something and in our plain.
Then, after he (Syaikh Hashim Khabbani) described us fluently, clearly and funny, next he told us that there are 4 important thing in Islam we should remember and did, specially for the students.
  1. Quite (Mouth) and Think (Mind) = Tafakkur
  2.  Listen (Ear) and Focus (Mind) = Tafakkur
  3. Watch (eyes) and Remember (Mind) = Tafakkur
  4. Doing (Body) and Continuously (mind) = Istiqomah.
Then , it’s all from me. I’m sure still there are so many wrong in this text, so I’d like to apologize,, If there is benefit in came from Allah, and if there is mistake it came from me. Thanks for reading
 May Allah bless us,,,
Wassalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh……
Edited By : Teguh Atma Wijaya (with some changed)

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Aikmel-Lotim, NTB, Indonesia
De Goeh is my cool name.... SD at SDN 01 Lenek SMP at SMPN 01 AIkmel SMA at SMAN 01 Aikmel Now Student at UNiversitiy of Indonesia....